Friday, March 24, 2017

What makes a man?

Since young, we pinned hopes on our parents that whatever they tell us are true. And that they will never lie to us.

We grow up and realise our parents lie to us, about keeping that pet dog when we are old enough (never happens). About them always being right (not always). Etc.

I don't trust my parents words 100% from then on.

Then we fall in love with jerks and realise they lie as well, and not everyone who says they will never lie are good people. I gave up trying to hope that liars make good lovers.

Then we meet 'the one' and imperfect humans like them lie as well. And I wonder, do we not deserve the truth from anyone throughout our lives? Where can we find that 1 person who wouldn't lie in your face no matter what happens?

Even marriages have vows and it is mutually agreed, based solely on trust, that neither of the couple is going to break his/her words. Through life and death, never to betray one another, etc etc.

Look at the divorce rates.

Trust is so important, and yet so fragile.
People nowadays are placing lesser and lesser importance in the essence of a relationship and emphasizing more on materialistic 'acheivements'.

What for be elated over a $5K diamond ring or a $10K Chanel bag if this guy doesn't adhere to his promises?

What for feel happy over a Paris trip when he doesn't take you to the zoo which he promised to take you 2 months ago?

And because people are so easily swayed by materialistic wants, they override the basic rule of a relationship - honour your words, big or small.

A lie, big or small, is still a lie.

The moment someone decides to lie to you, you are not worth the truth to him.

I hold on to the principle of being honest closely. And until that day someone understands and respect this point as well as I do, perhaps that is when I find my answer.

So what makes a man?

His words. His honoured words.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Majority doesn't necessarily win.

Don't you sometimes feel that for once, you know your facts and people around are wrong, but just because majority of the voices do not sing the same tune as you, you doubt yourself for that moment?

It happened to me today.

Just this evening upon reaching home, 2 of my loved ones were exclaiming that I filed the wrong year for income tax, based on the income tax filing written: Year of Assessment 2016. They thought it represents tax filed for actual year 2016. But I was certain that Year of Assessment refers to the previous year based on my previous experiences in work, and that was in my head.

I told them not to worry as it is the correct year. One of them exclaimed in a frustrated tone saying it is wrong, the other person agreed in sync.

For a moment, I doubted myself. Was I wrong? Have I remembered it incorrectly? Both of them are saying I am wrong. I must be wrong I guess. But there was still a bit of confidence in myself.

Finally it was confirmed I was right. Both of them continued on other topics as usual.

And honestly, for that brief moment I felt there was so much your loved ones can affect you in your self esteem.

I felt no one believed me because I am looked down upon by them, because to them, I am someone who fails her Degree for 6 years and hence I couldn't be correct, no matter how confident.

The thing about this, is they don't realise that when they firmly doubt someone's opinion, or doesn't give a person any credibility, it brings someone down. And even after realising they are wrong, they do not acknowledge being wrong. Isn't it sad, that people whom you love make you feel this way?

It doesn't only occur in small things like these. In life decisions, big or small, sometimes you have your answer in mind, but when majority speaks, you reconsider. You take a step back. You doubt your own judgement about things you are confident in. And that, my friend, is toxic to you.

Since young, I have always been taught to shut the fuck up if I have opinions. Especially if it opposes the majority. That made me even more opinionated.

At the end of the day, I am happy I reaffirmed myself and didn't submit to majority. 

At the end of the day, I want to share this quote:

Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

I have little tolerance for people with little brains

Especially when it concerns animals.

I get it when you like to share a video of a cute puppy and go Awwww so cute. But people who say the dumbest shit gets on my nerves.

*Girl posts a video of a Panda*

'I wanna take it home'

Did you realise how ridiculously illogical you sound? Do you think you are going to plant bamboo trees in your room or the panda is going to magically be biologically adapted to your room temperature. God.

Girls who tell people to buy dogs when they share a video of cute dogs.

Shut the fuck up already and stop having the default mentality that the only way to keep a pet dog is buy trading money for it. Don't tell people to BUY a dog, it's 2017 with so many animal welfare activists why are some people still sounding so narrow-minded?

I get too sensitive with all these ignorant people. If I had 3 wishes I'd wish they die 3 times.