Monday, March 20, 2017

Majority doesn't necessarily win.

Don't you sometimes feel that for once, you know your facts and people around are wrong, but just because majority of the voices do not sing the same tune as you, you doubt yourself for that moment?

It happened to me today.

Just this evening upon reaching home, 2 of my loved ones were exclaiming that I filed the wrong year for income tax, based on the income tax filing written: Year of Assessment 2016. They thought it represents tax filed for actual year 2016. But I was certain that Year of Assessment refers to the previous year based on my previous experiences in work, and that was in my head.

I told them not to worry as it is the correct year. One of them exclaimed in a frustrated tone saying it is wrong, the other person agreed in sync.

For a moment, I doubted myself. Was I wrong? Have I remembered it incorrectly? Both of them are saying I am wrong. I must be wrong I guess. But there was still a bit of confidence in myself.

Finally it was confirmed I was right. Both of them continued on other topics as usual.

And honestly, for that brief moment I felt there was so much your loved ones can affect you in your self esteem.

I felt no one believed me because I am looked down upon by them, because to them, I am someone who fails her Degree for 6 years and hence I couldn't be correct, no matter how confident.

The thing about this, is they don't realise that when they firmly doubt someone's opinion, or doesn't give a person any credibility, it brings someone down. And even after realising they are wrong, they do not acknowledge being wrong. Isn't it sad, that people whom you love make you feel this way?

It doesn't only occur in small things like these. In life decisions, big or small, sometimes you have your answer in mind, but when majority speaks, you reconsider. You take a step back. You doubt your own judgement about things you are confident in. And that, my friend, is toxic to you.

Since young, I have always been taught to shut the fuck up if I have opinions. Especially if it opposes the majority. That made me even more opinionated.

At the end of the day, I am happy I reaffirmed myself and didn't submit to majority. 

At the end of the day, I want to share this quote:

Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it.

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